Hi, I'm Charlie, I work on privacy and security for DuckDuckGo. I live for privacy, security, and online freedom because these are the building blocks of a better society, one I want to help create.
I am passionate about programming, and consider it an expressive art form. I firmly believe the future belongs to those technical professionals who are able to flow between security, operations, and development to deliver business benefit.
This is my personal blog for security and privacy research. All opinions and ideas expressed are solely my own.
Building a more Private Internet
In 2020, I joined the DuckDuckGo team, focusing on delivering fingerprinting defenses to users of DuckDuckGo products.
At DuckDuckGo, my goal is to build the best privacy products on the planet, and ensure security by design in everything we do.
The ways that you can be tracked online are pervasive and growing. I hope that with effort, every individual will have a simple choice on whether to allow personal data collection at scale or not.
Security is a key component of privacy, ensuring that the data that is collected stays where it belongs. It is critically important that adversarial governments, organizations, and individuals do not have easy access to your personal information.
I'd love to hear from you
I love meeting other professionals in the security, privacy, devops, programming, and business world.
If you want to get in touch, you can follow me on twitter (fair warning: I am not much of a twitter user, or any social media for that matter), connect with me on LinkedIn, or just shoot me an email at Charlie@<thisdomain>.com.
I also use Slack, and can often be found @CharlieB in the DevOps and OWASP communities.
If you want help with your security, privacy or DevOps program, please reach out!